Домашнее задание для 4Б 4В 4А

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It's easy   to make your own bookmarks.  

You Will Need

  • Used file folders
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
  • Clear tape
  • Dictionary to translate


Cut rectangles out of the file folders that are 5 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long.

Decorate your bookmarks. Have stickers? Use them too!
You can make as many bookmarks as you want!  Make  bookmarks as gifts for your friends and family, too. Use your imagination  and use colorful magazine pages, birthday cards, or strips of cloth from your old clothes.to make bookmarks.
 . If you want, you can punch a hole at the top of your bookmark and tie a ribbon or tassel through it.


Домашнее задание для 5А Б В

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Sounds Great—Bottled Music


  • Five identical plastic bottles
  • Water



Fill five identical plastic bottles with varying amounts of water. Arrange the bottles in order from most to least full. Blow across the top of each bottle and compare the different sounds you make.


Changing the amounts of air and water in the bottles lets you change the pitch—how high or low the sound is. When you blow across the tops of the bottles, you are making the air inside vibrate. In bottles with more air, vibrations are slower, so the pitch is lower.

Домашнее задание для 9Б 9В 9А

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Magnetic Pick Up


  • A piece of paper
  • A paper clip
  • Thread
  • Clear tape
  • Scissors
  • A strong magnet


Cut a paper kite shape about three inches long and attach a paper clip to one corner. To the opposite corner, tape a piece of thread about eight inches long. Tape the other end of the thread to a flat surface. Use a strong magnet to pick up the paper clip and extend the string to full length. Hold the kite between your fingers and slowly move the magnet away from the paper clip. When you release the kite, it “flies,” unattached to the magnet.


Magnets have a magnetic field, an invisible force that attracts some kinds of metal. Metal objects within the magnetic field do not have to touch a magnet to be pulled by magnetism.


Домашнее задание для 6А Б В

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Spinning Eggs-periment

First get permission to use kitchen equipment and eggs.

  • Four raw eggs
  • Pot
  • Bowl


  1. Boil two eggs in water for ten minutes until they are hardboiled.
  2. Cool the eggs under running water, then chill them in the refrigerator.
  3. Put several raw eggs into a bowl with the boiled ones. Ask a friend to sort the cooked eggs from the raw ones—without cracking them! Can't do it?
  4. Show your friend how: Spin each egg on its side one at a time. Let the egg spin for a moment, then stop it and immediately release it. The raw eggs start to spin again (just a little), but the cooked ones don't.


The raw egg starts to spin again because it has liquid yolk and egg white inside. Even when you stop the egg from spinning, the liquid inside keeps turning because it is not attached to the shell.

Домашнее задание для 8А Б В

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Magic Mixture—Apple Dunk


  • An apple
  • Half of a lemon
  • Shallow bowl
  • Water
  • Knife (ask a parent for help)


Peel and slice an apple. Cover one slice with water in a shallow bowl. Sprinkle a second slice with the juice of half a lemon. Leave another slice exposed to the air. Wait about an hour, then compare. The slice with nothing on it turns brown.


When an apple is cut open, chemicals inside the apple combine with oxygen from the air to form a brown coating. The coating keeps oxygen from getting deeper into the apple. Water protects the first slice from oxygen in the air so it stays white. Vitamin C in the lemon juice binds with oxygen, keeping oxygen away from the second slice, so it stays white the longest.

Уважаемые родители!

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Уважаемые родители!

В дни школьных каникул предложите вашему ребенку позаниматься  иностранным языком вместе с одним из выпусков-журнала  Magic English
Magic English - это веселый и интересный курс английского языка для детей, разработанный опытными преподавателями.
Коллекция объединяет в себе учебный материал и элементы игры, что позволит ребенку в непринужденной форме учить английский язык.
Каждый выпуск посвящен отдельной теме и дополнен соответствующим словарным запасом. Каждый номер состоит из DVD-диска, учебной тетради и наклеек с английскими словами, которые ребенок будет вклеивать в специальный словарь, прилагающийся ко второму выпуску коллекции.
Материал изучается в журналах и закрепляется на DVD-дисках с помощью развлекательных игр и фрагментов самых известных мультфильмов Disney.



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